Test :)

Gjorde ett kul test precis på Facebook - vilken Tv-serie skulle delta i? Och såklart, jag fick Gossip Girl ;) Vissa saker stämmer faktiskt lite ;D

Spotted, your life's every detail in text messages to everyone's phone. You are very classy and determined. (stämmer ;D) You keep up with all the latest fashion and news. You may not be the best at keeping things on the D.L . but you are very dependable to your family and friends. (stämmer! Dock är jag faktiskt bra på att hålla hemligheter.)You are not one to be crossed, anyone who messes with you better watch their back. (Oh yeah ;) You always stick up for your friends no matter how far you need to go. (stämmer!)

Gör testet här: http://apps.facebook.com/whatshowisyourlife/quiz/questions

Ska strax in till Landskrona nu. Ska bjuda B på pizza. Trevligt :)


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